At high profile weddings, celebrity chefs

, vintage strawberry station, etc. Cocktail ice spheres, transparent ravioli, Oak moss vapor, crab ice cream are some of the exciting examples of this style of cooking, which is gaining favor with Indians as well. Add in the international cuisines, and the array of choices becomes staggering!” Kunal stated.The array of specialties which one gets on a platter from a food truck adds an element of quirkiness to the overall wedding. British celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal popularized the use of principles of chemistry, physics and biology to cook up delicious but unusual food itepasta and even desserts, wedding brunches are winning over the hearts of people. Similarly, the bride and groom are also vocal about which desserts they want at their wedding, and how the desserts must be customized according to individual taste. His team, which consists of highly trained professionals, executes flawless service, strictly adhering to the service guidelines set by Chef Callahan.International cuisine is in: People today are well-travelled and have a more evolved palate where the food they like doesn’t just belong to their home country. end-of automatic cake making machine suppliers Tags: wedding, wedding cuisine, niche cuisine, international cuisine, wedding food trends, food trends in wedding, food and recipe, sex and relationship, wedding practices, celebrity chef, molecular gastronomy. In many cases, the chefs come with their own teams to take care of each minute aspect of the catering.”Dessert bars have an astounding spread of traditional Indian mithais along with international desserts such as Swiss luxury chocolates like Sprüngli and Läderach, French luxury baker Ladurée renowned for its macaroon, specialized cold stone ice cream counters, freshly baked waffle counters from brands like The Belgian Waffle Co.

At high profile weddings, celebrity chefs have their own space and autonomy to work their magic. For high profile weddings, such a diverse and exotic menu is a necessity, says Kunal, “At VIP or high profile weddings, guests from all over the world come to be a part of the celebrations. From the servers to the platters, the cutlery and the buffet table, the stylist will align the food decor with the theme of the wedding to impressive levels.Niche cuisine in the house: People have become comfortable with deviating from the standard practices followed during a wedding.Adding the personalized touch: Gone are the days when the wedding used to be more of a celebration for the families and guests than the married couple. A unique trend in weddings to add a little something extra to the food.Meal on wheels: Food trucks are not uncommon in metropolitan cities like Delhi NCR and Mumbai. Even evening brunches can be designed to allude to rustic themes of village set-ups or by bringing in Parisian romance in the décor and menu. Nowadays, a lot of couples are bringing a personalized touch to their weddings with their favorites being featured apart from the others. Tamarind Global has successfully executed many destination weddings where such set-ups were not only put in order but also modified according to the local materials available at the destination of the wedding. While browsing through the food stalls one can see names of dishes like ‘Hakkasan’ or ‘Zuma’ enticing the curious guests. People aren’t afraid to experiment with hybridization of food either. Traditional wedding benchmarks today are undergoing a visible metamorphosis where the couples prefer to have a wedding ceremony that is more reflective of their personalities, instead of adhering to old dogma. Traditionally, the groom straddles a mighty horse and goes forth to marry the blushing bride. It is not uncommon for specialized chefs to be flown in from different parts of India to the wedding destination. Every couple, and family, wants to highlight their cultural and regional heritage in the wedding theme.Even artisanal cheeses like Burrata from Puglia, Truffle and Mushroom bars, Black radish have become prominent at Indian weddings.Molecular gastronomy: If science tickles your senses and gives you the gastronomic rush, then molecular gastronomy would definitely appeal to you.Concept brunches: When we think of wedding food, our mind immediately goes to a hearty dinner followed by variety of lip-smacking desserts.‘Shadi ka khana’ is considered the ultimate feast where delightful mouthwatering cuisines are the centre of attraction for most of the guests.So a person’s favorite dishes that are minimized to bite-sized delights ional tastes, such as rasmalai with strawberry compote and Motichoor cheesecake have also earned their space on the dessert bar. He oversees everything from the customization of the menu, to beverage coordination, to style of trays, buffets, plates and bar accessories. Earlier, the same 10-12 dishes were very popular and used to be the usual fare at almost every wedding.Food Stylisting: You opt for the best cuisines from across the globe but imagine presenting it in a style that becomes the talk of the town! People are now hiring a food stylist to work with the caterer and designer and translate the entire experience into a visual delight that is consistent with the theme of your function. But the concept of brunching is also gaining all-around favor as it gives mind-boggling variety of foodstuffs in one go. While preparing the wedding menu, the couple adds their favorite foods and cuisines to be served to them at their table. However, modern palate demands a selection of dishes that must be freshly prepared and also be healthy.People are willing to go all the way to infuse the element of authenticity when it comes to wedding cuisine. Based on the guest list, we modify the menu, but more often than not it becomes imperative to prepare a well-thought out proposal for international cuisines in advance. “Depending on the scale of the wedding, there is so much variety available that hosts now have the option of presenting their guests with specially designed programs and booklets to showcase the large selection of food being served each day.In the India

Food Security programme. Wasting a kilogramme

He can be reached at moinqazi123@gmail. Tomatoes get squished if they are packed into jute sacks.3 billion.Studies have also indicated that on-farm interventions can contribute to reducing food losses and waste. Besides this, nearly 300 million barrels of oil used in the process is also ultimately wasted.The World Economic Forum cautions that food shortages are likely to cause one of the biggest risks to global stability over the next decade following extreme risks posed by climate change. That is the prime need if we want to really address the problem in right earnest. It’s the most obvious place to start. The study estimates that India needs storage facilities for another 370 million metric tonnes of perishable produce. According to the Associated Chambers of Commerce, the country experiences a post-harvest loss of Rs 2 lakh crores annually due to lack of food processing units and storage facilities. If there are no proper roads linking fields to markets, farmers cannot easily sell their surplus produce, which may then spoil before it can be eaten. lollipop candy depositing machine manufacturers Another study undertaken in Punjab that focuses on the harvesting of kinnow (a citrus fruit) demonstrates how on-farm food losses decreased from 10 per cent to only 2 per cent when a combination of harvesting techniques were used. India ranks 100 in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) — 2017 of 119 countries, where it has consistently ranked poor. Taking all these into account, the actual worth of money per year in India from food wastage is a whopping Rs 58,000 crore (9 billion). More than investment we need a strong will of the political class and imaginative thinking on part of the policy planers.The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was set up in 1964 to offer impetus to price support systems, encourage nationwide distribution and maintain sufficient buffer of staples like wheat and rice but has been woefully inadequate to the needs of the country.

One million tonnes of onions vanish on their way from farms to markets, as do 2. Overall, five million eggs crack or go bad due to lack of cold storage. Meeting the food needs of a growing population in India (1. This, along with inappropriate supply chain management, has resulted in India becoming a significant contributor to food wastage Food Security programme. Wasting a kilogramme of wheat and rice would mean wasting 1,500 and 3,500 litre of water respectively that is consumed in their production. It is lost during production, processing, retailing and consumption.One of the major ways of addressing food insecurity is controlling wastage. India is the second largest producer of vegetables and fruit but 25 per cent to 30 per cent of it is wasted due to inadequate logistical support, lack of refrigerated storage, supply chain bottlenecks, poor transport and underdeveloped marketing channels. Every year, the government purchases millions of tonnes of grain from farmers for ensuring they get a good price and for use in food subsidy programmes and to maintain an emergency buffer. For instance, the Indian government is seeking to streamline and modernise agricultural value chains, through reformation of the PDS to reduce waste and loss associated with the distribution and storage of foodgrains.India has developed some modern supply chains linked to food processing companies, such as Nestlé, Pepsi Unilever and Del Monte.The study estimated that around 67 million tones — of the value of around Rs 92,000 crores — are wasted in India every year. We have the resources but need to summon our determination.According to the agriculture ministry, Rs 50,000 crores worth of food produced is wasted every year in the country. That’s more than the national average of Britain, the entire food requirement of all of Bihar for a year. Fixing this problem will solve many of our related issues, particularly poverty, hunger and malnutrition, and open the gates to a new and prosperous India. Just three states — Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana — grow most of India’s grain, and the food has to be transported to far-flung areas. But these handle only a fraction of the country’s perishable food. The FCI has neither the warehouse capacity nor the manpower to manage this humongous stockpile of foodgrains. Several countries are now using metal grain silos to guard against fungus ruining grain stock.India grows enough food to meet the needs of its entire population, yet is unable to feed millions of them, especially women and children.Twenty-one million metric tonnes of wheat — almost equal to Australia’s production — rots each year due to improper storage. For instance, a pilot study sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has revealed food loss reductions of around 60 per cent during field trials testing low-cost storage techniques and handling practices.2 million tonnes of tomatoes. The government is also extending support for the setting up of cold chain projects whereby 138 cold chain projects have been installed. Improving road and rail capacity enables farmers to reach buyers — and fertilisers and other agricultural inputs to reach farmers.The World Bank recently warned that 60 per cent of the country’s food subsidies do not reach the poor; they are sponged by middlemen. Even as millions of Indians go to sleep on an empty stomach, the country wastes food worth a whopping Rs 58,000 crores in a year — about seven per cent of its total food production.India needs to mobilise large-scale investment into cold storage, refrigerated transport and other modern logistics to modernise its food supply chain. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) puts this figure at around 40 per cent — worth around 8. It is high time the government made some fundamental changes. According to the United Nations, India is estimated to use more than 230 cubic kilometre of fresh water annually — enough to provide drinking water to 100 million people a year ood loss and waste poses a serious challenge

Despite the slowdown it is growing at three times

China is now the world’s second largest economy. The challenge for India is to ensure that as incomes grow, poor consumers should graduate from using bio energy to new renewables like solar and wind, rather than go down the fossil fuel route, as the OECD countries have done. Setting up clunky publicly-owned entities to research and transfer renewable technology to industry is not the way to go. This is why, unlike China, we are not committed to cap our emissions at a predetermined level. Our emissions are just six per cent of world emissions.

The writer is adviser, Observer Research Foundation. Scarce public funds are allocated to subsidise renewable electricity. In the long term we may be where China is today.India formally ratified the Paris climate agreement on Sunday, notwithstanding that last week Donald Trump was trashing global warming as a hoax and efforts to control it as expensive and ineffective. Rail freight has been reduced to stem the shift to the more energy-intensive road transport. This abdication of international leadership appears to resonate with his not inconsiderable supporters.The key reason the Paris climate agreement is being ratified is that countries have agreed to disagree. India is also a fast-growing economy. This would provide, at a glance, the revenues collected by taxing fossil fuel and the capital allocated for green energy initiatives. Similar compulsions face most developing countries in South Asia and Africa. This “green tax” should be used to directly subsidise green energy and energy conservation. We are just one-fifth of the Chinese economy. We don’t have the democratic space in India, unlike South Korea, to back industrial winners. The United States contributes around 16 per cent of world carbon emissions.Altogether 37 per cent of India’s energy consumption is non-fossil fuel based.

The Arvind Subramanian report on pulses has suggested the inclusion of social cost, with respect to water intensity, while determining the maximum support price of agricultural food products, to ensure that subsidies do not deplete our water reserves. Without a technological revolution in clean energy, India will consume more energy to grow and to provide welfare enhancing energy services to its citizens.Mr Trump’s cavalier approach to climate change can only be explained by his belief that a slowing US economy should not be the one which pays to set the world’s climate right.One such mechanism is to monitor the social cost of our energy consumption and to use it for capital allocation.Clearly, the expectation is that China, which contributes 28 per cent of global emissions, needs to step up to the plate of international burden-sharing. But not for a while yet.9 toe.

Similar green capital balance sheets at the state and municipality level could feed into a green national fiscal framework. Our global ambitions should be commensurate with our constraints. But the big difference is that bio energy accounts for only two per cent of the world’s green energy consumption, unlike in India, where biomass accounts for 92 per cent of the renewable energy used. India’s clean energy strategy is built around the principle of minimising environmental damage whilst maximising economic China Aerated Mixer Suppliers growth. It is now left to individual nations to exercise “strategic direction” in developing their future energy profile and “tactical restraint” in energy consumption. High energy prices induce energy efficiency in industry. Habitats, offices and homes all impose social costs and must be taxed in proportion to the extent of their footprint. India’s per capita energy consumption is just 0. It is for the government to put in place the incentives which drive energy suppliers to provide renewable energy services.India has traditionally punched above its weight in international affairs. This is a good way of allocating public resources.

Despite the slowdown it is growing at three times the rate of the American economy. Hydro power and new renewables — solar and wind- account for just six per cent and nuclear for two per cent of our green energy profile. They don’t really care about the fuel that provides these services. This is also a good mechanism for making users pay differentially for the energy they use. We should not miss the bus this time. The government should consider including a green capital allocation and tax collection balance sheet along with the annual financial budget. This challenge is principally for the government, not consumers.But the compulsions to consume more energy services are just as stark. Charging more from those who use electricity at peak time is justifiable beyond the financial cost it imposes, to being an affirmation of commitment to going green. Transparent subsidies on the viability gap funding template will suit the private sector best to innovate, implement and increase the consumption of renewable energy. That is reason enough for higher expectations from it to play the role of a global leader. High taxes on petrol and diesel are expected to result in frugal consumption for personal transport. Consumers typically want energy services — cooling, heating, cooking and transport.To be sure, domestic compulsions like smog do compel us to clean our energy profile. If this mechanism was adopted for allocating finances, public investment in the railways and in coastal shipping would surely trump investment on road transport. This is fairly similar to the world non-fossil fuel energy consumption of 33 per cent. But the implementation of good principles also need accurate and timely monitoring mechanisms to ensure that progress is along the desired trajectories. India already has economic incentives in place for this. Preserving the global commons is a lofty goal, and an opportunity to upstage the international economic Goliaths and to improve well-being at home.6 tons of oil equivalent (toe) versus global per capita consumption of 1. Investment in public transport is being stepped up to substitute high energy-intensity personal vehicles. Bulk public purchase and supply of low-energy intensive LED bulbs help manage domestic electricity peak load. Truculence in its approach to manage global warming can scuttle the efforts of the rest of the world

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

To strengthen the food safety surveillance system, the FSSAI has taken up audits of food business operators through third-party audit agencies. end-of Tags: fssai, food safety audit, iit, iim, aims Location: India, Delhi, New Delhi.The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) said the audit will be done by empanelled 15 Rotate type wafer roll machine Factory agencies, which will be given one month to submit their report.New Delhi: Food regulator FSSAI has ordered safety audits of canteens at 10 large educational institutes, including IITs, IIMs and AIIMS, in light of complaints with regard to food safety and hygiene standards.

The audit, the FSSAI said, has been ordered as a number of cases of food safety issues have been reported from hostels and canteens of various academic institutions in India.It has empanelled the 15 audit agencies in accordance with the Food Safety and Standard (Food Safety Auditing) Regulation, 2017.The authority has empanelled national and international food safety audit agencies like DNV, Bureau Veritas, Intertek, MS Certification, IRCLASS, SGS, BIS, TUV and Indocert, among others.The FSSAI expects that the results of these audits will serve as guidance to these institutions to improve and maintain the standards of food safety and hygiene on their premises, the statement said.”

These reports will give an insight into the existing standards of food safety and hygiene of these canteens, hostel mess etc and will help the FSSAI identify the gaps,” the authority said.”For the time being, these agencies have been provisionally empanelled since the regulation is still at a draft stage,” the FSSAI said.The audit in select 10 institutes will help find out whether hostel mess, canteen or cafeteria where food is handled in these institutions comply with the safety and hygiene standards prescribed under the food safety law.”In view of this, the FSSAI has ordered special food safety audits of the canteens, cafeterias, hostel mess etc of 10 select large central institutes of higher education like IIT (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Guwahati), AIIMS (Delhi and Jodhpur), IIM (Ahmedabad and Kozhikode), IISc Bangalore and IISER Kolkata,” the FSSAI said in a statement

Matcha Yakhni and quinoa cauliflower shorba

The oven cooks different items at same time that require different temperature. But food or especially a dish means completely different to one whose day’s job is to make sure that his preparation stands out from the crowd. So, as and when any new trend comes, we try to adapt it in our kitchen,” he adds. At times the best in the game also makes mistake worth criticism. “Guests have often complimented us that our soup is the best soup in town and it surprises me that there are people who especially come here to have our soups Matcha Yakhni and quinoa cauliflower shorba is quite popular over here,” he boasts. Bhandari says, “As a chef, my focus is taste and presentation without compromising on health benefits. It’s been a year now. And a chef must know how to handle such circumstances.It’s always a pleasure when a guest praises your Hotel and your food.

My last stint was after I came back to India was with B&R Hospitality, Mumbai as corporate chef and then finally I am here at The Metropolitan Hotel. Shailendra’s story goes like this, “I was born and raised in Delhi and graduated in Hotel Management from ITI, Pusa, New Delhi. He cannot figure out though, which particular dish is his absolute favourite.We are using smart air fryer which fries and cooks food with a tablespoon of oil without compromising on its crunchiness and taste. But the chef prefers Italian food among all. Every dish is an artwork so I work extra inch on my plating. This is a healthy method of cooking. I like to give a twist to my everyday meal too. He openly shares his thought on how food can influence a person’s character traits. Indeed, the best compliment for a chef. It matters more than the money or luxury and is the key to his job satisfaction.

”Food means differently to each individual.  According to him, guests like the vast-laid menu and variety of options available ranging from starters to main course and desserts. It takes a lot of practice, hard-work and zeal to prove oneself.Now, if we are to talk about food and food-maker we must try and understand what exactly food means to one.What he prepares ends up becoming a favourite for guests from across the globe. Commenting on this the chef concludes,“We listen to our customers and try to understand the issue. Have also worked with Leela Kempenski, Mumbai, and then moved to Doha Qatar for 8 years. Less oil helps in maintaining cholesterol level and keeps weight under control.”“Another machine which we love using is blast chiller.

Now, here is a new concept where the USP of a restaurant along with its dishes are the 200 variants of chutneys that they offer.As he says, “Even my simple toast and butter needs to be creative and appetising. This quick and smart process avoids bacteria formation at zero level. Nowadays, many new food technologies are available in market and we are using some of the smartest and useful ones in our kitchen.”  A chef does not become a chef in one day. We also use combi oven for quick and smart cooking. After completing my hotel management, I started my career with Hotel Radisson, Mahipalpur and later joined Grand Hyatt, Delhi.” But all that one hopes doesn’t come true in reality.In the present era where technology has taken over every aspect of a person’s life, how can kitchen be exempt from tech products? Speaking on this, the executive chef reveals, “Technologies have made life easy and smart technologies have given us the license to innovate new things.” end-of Tags: grand hyatt hotel, shailendra bhandari, hotel management.

This chiller freezes food in 5 minutes. It can be from the service point of view or taste wise and we take it seriously. This way we get to know our guest’s evolving taste and expectations from us as well. We take criticism positively and our team work towards it as we want our guests to be happy and come back to us again. It is rather something that automatic cake making machine manufacturers makes you feel good, he says. Food for many is not a thing that makes you feel full or just fulfils your hunger. I believe criticism helps us in growth. Especially, when he likes to meet chef in-person.

A genuine criticism always helps us to make a better dish. It is this motivation that helps one to give his best shot at work, says Shailendra Bhandari, executive chef at The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa, New Delhi.We implement the same so that our guests have a comfortable experience. A person will only indulge in purchasing a dish if he or she feels confident about that particular one. I believe a dish should be appealing and visually attractive for a wholesome dining experience. For some a dish can act as a stress-buster, while a whole lot can simply be bribed with their favourite dish on any occasion

After abandoning its plans of government formation

The biggest producers are in Maharashtra. The BJP, unfortunately, has not. By investing so heavily in converting cattle, milch as well as farm cattle, into a trope for its politics of identity, the BJP has to respond with more than silence to the rising prices of food in general and onion, in particular. It makes eyes tear up. It is about suicides and loans.

After abandoning its plans of government formation in Maharashtra, the BJP cannot heave a sigh of relief that the onion crisis is no longer its problem. Instead, the onion crisis has now reached a flashpoint. That generation responded by bringing on the Green Revolution. Nashik is fuming as is the lady who went shopping for onions in the morning. And then the Milk Revolution and then the Egg/Chicken Revolution.The transformation of food into an altogether different kind of politics by the BJP is the challenge it has to deal with. It separated the consumers of beef from the consumers of chicken.The old-fashioned, down to earth politicians of the present generation are wary about the sentiments of food; prices, availability and quality. The peasant is not just the backbone of the Indian economy — creating demand when she/he has money in her bag — but also of politics, comprising the majority of voters in India.Food is a difficult matter.

But onions, even if it is a temporary hiccup, cannot be ignored. So, between the supply of onions and the demand, the problem will not be easily resolved. Rice eaters became roti eaters; not fully, but in part. It is about credit policy. end-of Tags: arvind kejriwal, onion price.Earlier generations of politicians were scared of crop failures affecting rice or wheat production; they were deeply involved in making ends meet, because there were serious shortages. The cow is not.Food — finding it, getting it, cooking it, eating it and digesting it has been a source of as much thought, ingenuity, memory, delight and above all and pervading every experience, it has been a matter of anxiety. The cow is the best such example. The exclusive claims of the Hindu to be a devotee of the cow was also beyond dispute. The one thing it cannot do is retreat into silence or remain unresponsive to the problem, even if it will resolve itself in several weeks. Being vegetarian was a matter of culture and preference at one time; it has become a pawn in politics now. But by triggering popular “sentiments” around the consumption of cow meat, the BJP escalated the politics of food to an entirely new level.

The market for onions is everywhere. It holiness and status in the Indian mind was never in question. Canny politicians stick to managing these complexities. GST could be packaged as a temporary hiccup. That generation had to eat humble pie and accept shipments of imported bulgur wheat to get over a crisis. Demonetisation could be sold as a temporary pain that would benefit everyone, especially the poor, in the long run.The paradigm shift in food politics produced by the BJP vis-a-vis the food politics of Indira Gandhi, Mamata Banerjee, Sharad Pawar and Pinarayi Vijayan is this — other foods are consumed by everyone, irrespective of religion, sentiment, caste or ethnicity. It is about the prices of inputs. Because there is a long list of politically explosive farm products, starting with pulses, cooking oil, onions, potatoes, sugar, chicken, eggs, fish and including parboiled rice.Ambitious to produce electorally positive outcomes, the party has added to the list of foods that produce sentiments. It cannot duck the issue.The governing class has to react China deck oven Suppliers to a food crisis.

The discontent that the unavailability of food builds up has been tested over time, across the world, from ancient times to the latest round of elections in Maharashtra and, tangentially, in Haryana. Small but many protests have erupted across the Indian landscape.Onions may not be a “staple”, at less than one per cent of India’s total food production, or about 800 grams a month per person per month on average, but the bulb is not inessential. When onion prices soar or they crash, consumers and producers react.Waiting for the new onion crop to come in, which it inevitably will, be it a smaller harvest or a bumper, is not the solution to the onion crisis.

The reaction of the ruling establishment, albeit in suspension in Maharashtra, to the soaring prices of onions that everyone consumes is staggeringly different from the reaction of the ruling set-up to the consumption of beef. Having upped the stakes in food as politics, the BJP has inadvertently made it harder for itself to allow the market to solve the problem of not-so-very-good onions that cost the consumer Rs 100 a kilo. These are demands for an effective intervention by the government, that has not been formed in Maharashtra, as well as the government that seems to have buried itself out of sight in New Delhi. It is just one of those things; it produces a sentiment.Food is not just about what Hindus can or should eat and when they should eat what they eat. Quite apart from its capacity to fuel war and violence, there is a vast history of how food has been manipulated to serve the purposes of people aspiring to gain power and, equally, those determined to hold on to power. It is not just an everyday business. And that is not how people like to think about the bulb. It is about the cost of production and the minimum prices at which these foods ought to be sold and the returns on the investment for the farmer. Political parties are wary of it; it helped Indira Gandhi stage her remarkable comeback in 1980; it dislodged the Bharatiya Janata Party government in Delhi in 1998; it confirmed Arvind Kejriwal as a leader of the aam aadmi in 2015. The Indian palate loves it. There is so much that needs to be carefully managed in the food that is bought and sold that generations of the Indian ruling class have learnt to handle it as a priority

Meat is consumed for taste more than nutrition

Ethical lifestyle or a healthy choice Author Ashwin Sanghi looks into what it means in our Vedas. end-of. These three Gunas are present in all humans but in varying ratios. It is, however, directly related to spiritual awakening or evolution, points out Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living Foundation. “Modern day definition of vegetarianism is to do with being good for the environment, but ancient India had different definitions. Unlike earlier, now I don’t get angry at all. Sattvik food was generally considered to be good for meditation and thinking, while tamasik food like cake depositing machine Manufacturers meat and alcohol made people lazy.

In my treatment, why I insist on being a vegetarian is because I need to put pressure on all those points that are causing blocks in the body, and for those who eat non-veg food, the blocks are kind of covered, difficult for me to spot them. “The truth remains that animal protein is far more thermogenic (heat producing) as compared to plant protein which mentally results in more anxiety, anger and stress if not channelised correctly through exercise or activity. They influence the mental, spiritual and intellectual caliber of every individual. This way, there’s some restrictions being practiced, and they won’t kill animals all the time. Rather, it is seen in terms of sattvik or tamasik food.” There are however some people who go a little far and insist that vegetarian food is also cruelty to plants. But then you’re also what you eat, when you eat it, it seems. The argument she says has veered from being healthy and unhealthy to pure and impure, which is not exactly how it all started — elaborating on Ashwin’s thoughts.

So here’s the question — why vegetarianism What makes it an appropriate lifestyle to adopt Food experts, activists and philosophers weigh in and add to the dialogue that has lurked and often been debated since the dawn of time.” So do Indian texts propagate vegetarianism “There is no clear indication that Brahmanism advocated abstinence from meat. In the Ramayana, we have scenes of Rama killing deer, antelope etc.

Sattva is related to knowledge, creativity and spirituality.”Stoka Krishna Dasa, president of the Hare Krishna Movement (Chennai), has an explanation for why the debate rages during certain times of the year. “I’ve found that after leaving non-vegetarian food, I have become emotionally calmer and balanced. It seems that vegetarianism as a path to spiritual purity must have always existed but only “trickled down” as a possible way of life to ordinary people over centuries,” he adds. “Non-veg food is equivalent to killing an animal, that has a body, nervous system, vertebrae, a brain. That’s why during pujas or rituals, people are asked to stay away from meat, alcohol and similar tamasik foods. Vegetarian food isn’t actually considered ‘pure’.” Is non-veg negative “Although I turned vegetarian to promote animal rights, the primary reason was that I wanted to remove negativity from my diet and the cruelty meted out to animals is irrefutably negative,” says Harrish Iyer, activist, who adds that the health as well as emotional benefits of being a vegetarian are tremendous. “When an animal dies, the hormones they secrete during the time of their death is what we put in our bodies. “When you become subtle in your mind and go deeper in your heart, you turn vegetarian naturally.

You are what you eat, they say. It’s ‘bali aharam’ and gives negative energy, digestion takes very long and all the negative traits in an animal’s behaviour are passed on. Furthermore, with the advent of Buddhism and the ideals of Ahimsa (“do no harm”), vegetarianism came to be associated with it. Tamas is associated with delusion, ignorance and recklessness. The ‘Guna’ theory he says, “classifies energies that determine human propensities — Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. However, it’s not necessary that vegetarians do not denote such negative behaviour or emotions. Author Anju Poddar insists that maintaining a vegetarian diet enables one to have a calm mind and body.”Others believe that non-veg food doesn’t fall under the ‘clean food’ category because ‘meat spells death, blood, killing, harm, pain, foul smell’.Whether we like it or not, we’re constantly being judged for what we eat.” Entirely one’s own business Hyderabad-based Satya Sindhuja, who practises Nadi Vaidyam — which cures many ailments — states that one of the conditions for those who want to undergo this treatment is to follow a vegetarian diet.

“Meat is consumed for taste more than nutrition because fruits, vegetables and pulses give you the nutrients anyway. Nowadays, animals too are injected with all kinds of medicines, and we are taking that in too. Somewhere in the middle ages, with the popularity of great teachers like Swami Vivekananda and others, people were encouraged to consume vegetarian food more over the tamasik meat. Which is why, a vegetarian diet wins over a non-vegetarian one during certain times of the year — such as pujas, weddings or during the mourning season. There are numerous references to meat consumption in the Rig Veda, the Ramayana, even the Sushruta Samhita, Arthashastra and the Kamasutra. And that is why we must refrain from consuming meat,” she says.” Meera Baindur, associate professor, Manipal College of Philosophy and Humanities doesn’t entirely agree. just like a human being. Hence, the chances of agitation, nervousness and extreme behaviour can be more. Now that Lent is on, several Catholics too are opting for the greens, while abstaining from meat. It has always been held that vegetarian food is sattvik whereas meat gives rise to more Tamasik tendencies. But why does the debate over vegetarian and non-vegetarian food being ethical or healthy become particularly intense on certain days of the year That’s much food for thought. “Plant foods on the other hand, define peace, harmony, fragrant, soothing, cleansing, nurturing which give you the natural feeling of positivity,” says nutritionist Tripti Gupta. Rajas is associated with actions and the fruits thereof. Though I agree that behaviour of an individual cannot be based merely on food, I also believe that vegetarian food is your true detox

Director Rayka Zehtabchi’s India-set documentary, Period.But these children don’t make an appearance in the documentary, and Rayka tells us why. We see little girls burst into embarrassed giggles as soon as the word ‘period’ or ‘pad’ is mentioned while men feign ignorance about this important bodily process or turn a blind eye to the machine and its functions. As the documentary comes to a close and the pad machine in a distant village in Hapur whirs into action, we are reminded about the true the function of the period – to end a sentence and not a life, and this is the case at least in some of the villages in our country.“We were careful about leaving a small footprint in the villages. “We are all over the moon! We wanted to make this film to spread awareness. Every day was a game of chess, both logistically and in regards to the interviews.

“We were so shocked to learn how little knowledge the women and men had about menstruation and heartbroken that so many of them had to go through life being afraid of their bodies.And the documentary succeeds in doing this because, contrary to its title, &Food Machine Manufacturers39;Period. I thought, ‘If they think they can change the world, then I want to join them’,” shares Rayka. End of Sentence’. We want women and men to openly talk about menstruation. “The reality was that no one wanted to talk about periods because it made them uncomfortable. The director also reveals how once, they were banned from entering one of the villages in the area.Rayka says that capturing these candid reactions and revelations took a lot of work. I think it was really important for us to be gentle and understanding with our subjects,” she writes. As a filmmaker, all you want is to keep things organic and intimate in that type of situation. Women, on the other hand, share their struggles with using and disposing of the only ‘menstrual hygiene product’ they’re aware of – cloth. The catalyst for the revolution is ‘Pad Man’ Arunachalam Muruganantham’s low-cost pad machine, which uses locally available raw materials and a small amount of electricity to make inexpensive, but effective sanitary napkins.“This entire project started with a group of young high school girls and their English teacher after they learned that women are being shamed for their periods all over the world and that some women are even forced to drop out of school because of it. does a great job of provoking conversations around menstruation. But despite the small team, Rayka says that they had to be extra vigilant about maintaining a low-key presence. That will be the most effective way for us eradicate the shame and taboo,” she avers. It became very clear that this was their story. The team that spent about two weeks filming in the village was a small one and included Rayka, cinematographer Sam Davis, a translator, and a sound and camera team made up of locals.Apart from logistical challenges, Rayka and her team struggled with their own emotions when they first set foot in Hapur. The camera often lingers on faces just a little longer than is comfortable and it is in these prolonged moments that we see, not only internalised shame and stifled anger, but also glimpses of curiosity and the desire for empowerment. The excitement was like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Now we have the opportunity to share our message on the biggest stage in the world,” says Rayka.The Iranian-American director is obviously ecstatic about the nomination. I was so motivated by this group’s gumption and tenacity. It suddenly wasn’t so hard for us to talk to our subjects about the pads and menstruation. And there’s a good reason why the filmmaker uses the pronoun ‘we’ because the documentary has an interesting back story. After all, we knew that we were foreigners with a film crew, entering a really remote area, and interviewing our subjects about an incredibly sensitive topic. Bake sales, yoga-thons, crowdfunding campaigns, and a partnership with a Delhi-based NGO helped the students purchase and install the machine and also produce the documentary.” The director, who was present in the village when the machine arrived, also recalls how the arrival of the machine impacted the film in a positive way. “When we arrived in the village to begin filming, we were so astonished at how much of an impact this machine was going to have on these women’s lives. We asked ourselves questions like ‘which corner of the village should we enter from to draw the smallest crowd? What’s the best way to strip down our crew and gear? How do we earn the trust of our subjects in such little time?’” she shares.And the rustic visuals do a great job of capturing the taboo and the shame. The documentary, just # like the machine, has been funded partly by a group of young girls from Oakwood High School, Los Angeles. They were coming to us!” she shares. We needed to capture the truth about the taboo and how crippling it can be for women, and how this group of incredible village women are fighting against it by starting their own business,” she shares. End of Sentence. “The day the machine arrived was the highlight for us. “The education component is really important to us and was initially why we set out to make the film in the first place. As the documentary progresses, we see how women, initially bashful about the topic of menstruation, go on to take their menstrual health and hygiene seriously and even use the machine to birth their own business of manufacturing and marketing ‘Fly’, a homegrown brand of sanitary napkins that hopes to ‘help women soar’. By presenting the personal stories of several women in the village, we see how the machine is helping them accomplish goals and how peroids are no longer a hindrance in their quests.Since the documentary captures in heart-warming visuals the change, economic and social, a group of empowered women can foster, Rayka is eager for this documentary to be screened across schools and organisations, especially in India. end-of Tags: oscars 2019, menstrual health, rayka zehtabchi, menstruation

They initiated online chat interactions with the various

The team also noticed a double dose effect of machine heuristic and power usage. Some level of automation is clearly needed,” he added.Researchers at Penn State University have claimed that people who have high confidence in machines and in their own technological capabilities are more likely to use and accept digital healthcare services.Next, they exposed participants to various combinations of the healthcare provider, such as receptionist, nurse, and doctor; and agent types, such as human, avatar, and machine.”We found that if you are high on machine heuristic and you are high on power usage, you have the most positive attitude toward automated healthcare providers.First, the team gauged the participants&China Nitrogen making machine Factory39; preconceived beliefs about and attitudes toward machines – what is called a “machine heuristic”.

A power user (a person with advanced computer skills) is more likely to accept a robot doctor, for example, than a non-power user,” he added.”In contrast, machines can be programmed to ‘think’ of all the possible conditions that a patientsymptoms could point to, and they never get tired.”We found that the higher peoplebeliefs were in the machine heuristic, the more positive their attitude was toward the agent and the greater their intention was to use the service in the future,” said Sundar.According to Sundar, the healthcare industry can benefit from increased reliance on automated systems.”Doctors are limited by their human bandwidth, by their experience, knowledge and even state of mind from minute to minute,” he said.”

We also found that power usage predicted acceptance of digital healthcare providers. This combination seems to make people more accepting of these technologies,” said Sundar.”There is increasing use of automated systems in the medical field, where intake is now often conducted through a kiosk instead of by a receptionist,” said S Shyam # Sundar, one of the researchers, Penn State University.”A machine heuristic involves stereotypes people have about machines, including their beliefs in machines’ infallibility, objectivity, and efficiency,” said Sundar. end-of Tags: technology, healthcare.

They initiated online chat interactions with the various types of avatars to test the participants’ acceptance of those healthcare providers and their intentions to use those providers in the future.The team measured participants’ adherence to the machine heuristic by asking them to indicate their level of agreement with statements. The researchers also asked participants a variety of questions to rate their “power usage,” or level of expertise and comfort in using machines.The researchers recruited participants from the online workforce, Amazon Mechanical Turk, to gain a better understanding of user psychology behind the acceptance of automation in clinics.The study was presented at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Glasgow, Scotland

All content operations and team handling

So, to uplift organic farming worldwide, they are leaving no stone unturned by providing must needed information to the organic farmers.Speaking about the startup, Prakash said, “Information is very important in any industry. As of now, we are providing all accurate and must needed information to the organic food With this, they are connecting consumers and the organic food industry. It always helps you to stay ahead and updated. 

It is also important for consumers, to know that product what they are consuming is really organic or not. Jha says, in an increasingly organic food industry market, the next quarter of a century will be defined by the quality and relevance of the information and insight we place at the fingertips.Jha aims to generate more employment with this startup and appealed to youngsters to get into organic food business for better and healthy future. Here they provide information about the Organic Food Industry worldwide.According to the report, India’s organic business has immense potential to reach the INR 75,000 crore mark by 2025 from INR 2,700 crore (in 2015). Every year, the organic food industry worldwide conducts organic trade shows, here they provide major organic trade shows information. Therefore, this startup also does a review of many organic products and gives their honest opinion and advice concerning that specific product, whether it is effective or not.

All content operations and team handling are done by his son, 26-year-old son, Prakash Jha. So, to bridge the gap between them Ourorganicfood.”“We highlight about those unsung heroes who are doing a commendable job in the organic food industry, and with the motto that they should not go unnoticed; therefore they present their story to the world through the initiative “Organic Star”, Prakash further added. We have just recently launched this startup, and now working on how we can make it more useful for consumers and the organic food industry. The popularity of organic food consumption is growing more and more as people are more concerned about their health.The startup says that their mission is to provide accurate information about the organic food industry worldwide. end-of Tags: organic was launched.

Jha belongs to a farmerfamily in a small village in Tektar, Darbhanga district, Bihar. Also, one can read valuable information about organic cat food, organic dog food, organic baby food and others. In order to produce more China Nitrogen making machine Manufacturers organic food, organic farming needs to boost up. And to assist the organic food industry, I decided to launch ourorganicfood.  And also there has been rise in the organic food consumption.54-year-old, Mr Bhola Jatadhar Jha from Mumbai is the brain behind this startup. He holds an experience of eight years in the content industry. With this also more farmers are shifting towards organic farming, and also organic food industry is booming. Also for those all who are interested in venturing into the organic food business, they provide useful information about organic food franchise and others